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Saturday, December 18, 2010


They are back again, and going fast - those 20 watt Solar Panels. 20 panels arrived at Westlakes a week ago and as of yesterday
there were 9 left. The price is the same as before, $85 picked up from the club. As well there is a small number of charge
controllers - 5 amp at $39, 10 amp at $55, and 20 amp at $85. Contact Aly VK2AFZ in the store for more details. He will be
back on deck after the Christmas/New Year break on 8th January.

A new member. Visiting the club for the first time yesterday and applying for membership was Fred Mirande VK2FDEC. Fred
who hails from Wollongong will be moving to the local area soon and thought it a good idea to join a local radio club.
His application will go before the next monthly meeting which will be held on Saturday 5th February. There will not be a
meeting in January.

Who said that amateurs don't QSL anymore? It's not the case in the US. The ARRL’s Incoming and Outgoing QSL Bureaus have
gone into high gear. Compared to 2009, 2010 has seen a dramatic increase in the number of cards received from ARRL members
that were sent to foreign QSL bureaus, as well as the number of cards sent out to the local bureaus. In addition, the number
of DXCC applications also increased. To December 14th, 2010, the ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau received 709,800 cards destined
for foreign QSL bureaus from ARRL members in the US and the year isn't over yet. This represents an increase of 16 percent
over the 2009 number of 612,000 cards

Do you like working satellites? This will interest you. Do you also like Morse? This will definitely interest you. The event
is a straight-key night called, "OSCAR 2011." Just operate CW on any OSCAR satellite, using a straight hand key, from 0000 UTC
to 2400 UTC on 1 January 2011, working as many Straight Key stations as you can. There are no rules, no scoring and no logs
required. A cynic might add, "and no operators."

Who want's a club cap - just the thing to wear to the Wyong Field Day. The secretary has a limited number for sale at $20. Be
quick, they won't last long. As of yesterday, there are four left.

OTTAWA — Canada. This week, a volunteer team inflated a silver weather balloon. Their goal was to fly a radio-tracked balloon
higher than one had ever been flown before. Then laden with a GPS and tracking instruments, the balloon was sent aloft. Four hours
after launch the flight soared into the record books. reaching an altitude of 39,899 metres, more than three times higher than
commercial airplane flights. Unlike rockets, it doesn't take much money to launch a weather balloon. For about $1,000 a flight,
community groups can send these vehicles up in the atmosphere to take scientific measurements, or simply for the thrill of the
height. This global sport began in 1987, when American Bill Brown became the first radio amateur to send a radio-equipped weather
balloon into the stratosphere.. With amateur radio operators sprinkled across the continent, there is a handy communications
network for monitoring the balloons. This record-setting balloon landed some 650 kilometres away, tracked by ham operators through
the Eastern seaboard over the Internet.

And from the US. Republican, Greg Walden, who also happens to be W7EQI, tweeted the news to his "followers" yesterday that he had
been named Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. Among other
things, the subcommittee's responsibilities include oversight of the FCC. In a follow-up Twitter message, Walden explained that
"The last tweet was Morse code! Just the ham radio operator in me having fun. It says I‚ll chair the communications and tech
subcommittee." Walden is one of two ham radio operators in Congress. The other is Rep. Mike Ross, WD5DVR. The full text of Walden's
Twitter message was "Will chair comm and tech sub 73s w7eqi." No wonder his original message was not understood.

Westlakes is about to have another Nonagenarian in its ranks. Do you know what a nonagenarian is? (I had to look it up).
Long-time club member Doug VK2YI turns 90 tomorrow. Happy birthday to you Doug.

And the last item of news for 2010 is good news. It has been spoken about for a long time, but at last action is on the way -
the completion of the concrete pad at the rear of Westlakes clubrooms. A contractor has been engaged and the work will be done
on 4th January. But that's not all. Also the same day, the concrete contractor will construct a 5 metre driveway at the entrance
to the club grounds from York street. A specialcontingent of guards will need to be organised to ensure the safety of the work
until the concrete hardens. The driveway cannotbe driven on for at least 4 days. The work (subject to wet-weather delays) will
be done on 4 January and a barrier will stop vehicles entering the grounds until after Saturday 8th. That's the date the club
re-opens after the Christmas break.

A final reminder. Westlakes club will shut down for two weeks. It will re-open for business on Saturday 8th January 2011 and the
local news broadcast will return on Sunday 9th January.

Well that's all the news I have this week, and this year. It only remains for me to thank those who have assisted in presenting the Sunday
broadcasts and to those who take the time to call back. to wish all member and their families a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street an is open on Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon
Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6pm. To make contact at other times, try dialling (02) 49 581588 where an answering service
operates. Visitors are alway welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, long-life milk, biscuits, and the odd mouse.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


A small attendance was present at the club yesterday for the 2010 Christmas function and krazy golf match but despite
the lack of numbers,it turned out to be a good afternoon. Alex VK2ZM donned the apron and cooked all the steaks and sausages
- so many that the attendees had a nice bagfull plus surplus buns to take home. The Christmas Hamper raffle was drawn and
the winner was a most deserving, Greg VK2CW. The golf.....three teams of three took to the 9 hole course. The members of the
winning team each received a hand-painted wooden wall plaque. They were Dave VK2RD, Natalie Efimov, and Keith VK2PKT.
Thanks to those of the fairer sex who seem to contribute so much at these events, namely Diane VK2FDNE, Chris Downward,
Natalie Efimov, and PennY Smith.
The Remembrance Day Contest results are out. VK2ATZ scored 2nd place in this year's Contest in our selected category.
The club entered the “Multi Operator Phone” section. We were beaten by our neighbouring club, Hunter Branch, VK2AWX .
The Central Coast Club VK2AFY came in a creditable 7th place. Well done to all who took part. Full results are in the
December Amateur Radio Magazine, which by the way, is a bumper edition running to 64 pages.
They are back again. The Club has received another shipment of those 20 watt Solar Panels. The price is the same as the last
lot, $85, and there are 14 available, as 6 went out-the-door yesterday. We also have a range of Charge Controllers as well.
There are 5 amp, 10 amp and 20 amp models available. Contact Aly VK2AFZ in the store for more details
Now something for skywatchers. The Geminid meteor shower, which peaks this year on December 13th and 14th, is the most
intense meteor shower of the year. It lasts for days, is rich in fireballs, and can be seen from almost any point on Earth.
Most meteor showers come from comets, which spew ample meteoroids for a night of 'shooting stars.' The Geminids are
different. The parent is not a comet but a weird rocky object named "3200 Phaethon" that sheds very small dusty particles.
This month, Earth will pass through the Geminid debris stream, producing as many as 120 meteors per hour over dark-sky sites.
The best time to look is probably between local midnight and sunrise on Tuesday, December 14th, when the Moon is low and the
constellation Gemini is high overhead, spitting bright Geminids across a sparkling starry sky. Bundle up, go outside, and
observe the spectacle.
This month sees the 87th anniversary of the establishment of Australia's second radio broadcaster,it was on long-wave,
back in December 1923, that 2FC Sydney went on air. But first ON air was 2SB Sydney which went to air one moth before.
2FC was 5,000 watts transmitted via a squirrel type cage antenna supported from two 60 metre high steel lattice towers,
spaced 180 metres apart. The station operated on the long wave frequency of 1100 metres, 171 kiloHertz.
Coming to a supermarket soon near you are radio-controlled shopping trollies. These trollies lock down their wheels to stop
them being taken outside a certain area, or in other words, "pinched". Widely used in New Zealand, the system uses a buried
perimeter antenna and an RF transmitter to generate a low frequency signal to define the limit of trolley travel. When a
trolley rolls past the antenna line, its brakes lock on to the wheels and the trolley is stopped in its tracks. The New zealand
Experience has shown that these radio-controlled trollies have cut the cost of stolen and abandoned trollies by 98 per cent.
Who want's a club cap - just the thing to wear to the Wyong Field Day. The secretary has a limited number for sale at $20. Be
quick, they won't last long. As of yesterday, there are four left.
Congratulations to the Newcastle Division of Crest NSW which has received The City of Newcastle Service Award for 2010.
Crest received its award from the Lord Mayor, John Tate, in recognition of, "an outstanding contribution to community events
and public safety."
A record has been claimed in the U.K. by FIVE members of the same family having all got amateur radio licences. Eleven-year-old
Ricky Duckhouse made number five by passing his foundation exam and now holds an "M3" call sign. His father, Kevin, mother Alison,
and brother and sister have all got licences. WEstlakes club once had four members of the same family - the Freedman's, where
father, son, and two grandsons all held call signs at the some time, but we can't beat five.
A mystery wreck has been found sitting upright on the seabed in the north arm of the Hunter River. The wreck is approximately 84m long
and 13m wide. The visible sides of the wreck show it to be about 5m high. Research available shows no record of such a large vessel
having been scuttled along the riverbank at Stockton and it is hoped that the Heritage Office may have some more light to shed on the
history of this vessel. Although the area has been surveyed previously, this wreck was not identified. Newcastle Port Corporation is
now using multi-beam echo sounders to probe the harbour to accurately map and define objects and that is how this mystery was discovered.
Photos of this abandoned ship will be in the next Westlakes Magazine.
Please note that the club will be open next Saturday 18th December. However, as the following two Saturdays fall on Christmas Day
and New Year's Day, we will have a shut-down over those two weeks and will re-open for business on Saturday 8th January 2011.

Well that's all the news we have this week. This is VK2ATZ.

Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street an is open on Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon
Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6pm. To make contact at other times, try dialling (02) 49 581588 where an answering service
operates. Visitors are alway welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, long-life milk, and biscuits too.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The December magazines are in the mail after a working bee in the club library yesterday. Included with this edition are two
inserts - the yellow one is a reminder of Westlakes Christmas Function at Teralba next Saturday afternoon - and the
important blue one is the invitation for membership renewal for 2011. Memberships fall due on 1st February each year.
There is no magazine produced in January. The good news is that membership fees remain the same, $20.
This coming Tuesday - that's 7th December - the club grounds are to mowed. The job starts at 9.30 am and volunteers
are required. It would be good to see a few new faces turn up to assist the regulars - we have pleny of mowers and
snippers, we only need a few more helpers.
The new air-conditioner in the common room had its first trial yesterday. Although the day was mild, the Chinese Kelvinator
certainly works. The only adjustment needed was a slight change of angle so that the condensation drips exited via the drip
hole. Perhaps a spirit level shound have been used in the first place?
The long-awaited extension of the concrete pad at the rear of the club is getting closer. A quotation for the work is
expected to be received during the coming week - it won't be cheap.
We have news of two deaths that occurred during the week. First is Alan Shawsmith VK4SS author of Halcyon days - a history
of amateur radio in Queensland. Over many years, Alan was a regular contributor of articles to Amateur Radio Magazine.
He reached 93years and One Day. His Funeral service held last Monday was conducted by VK4BSH the Reverend George Roberts.
Halcyon Days is a good read and the book is on the shelf in Westlakes library.
The second passing is of Neutron bomb inventor Sam Cohen, who in 1958 designed the nuclear weapon intended to kill people but do
minimal damage to cities and other infrastrucure, He died in Los Angeles at 89 of stomach cancer. The neutron bomb used tiny
particles that could whiz through objects with little damage but still kill we humans. Cohen also helped build the atomic bomb
that was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan in WW2. There may be some awkward questions to answer by Mr Cohen at the Pearly Gates.
The first contest event of December is the ARRL 160m contest, taking place from Friday last, the 3rd to today Sunday 5th.
It is a slightly unusual event in that the duration is 42 hours. There is a category for single-operator QRP. Now there's
a challenge - QRP on 160 metres in daylight to the USA!
The last meat tray raffle for 2010 was held yesterday and the winning ticket was belonged to Ted VK2UI. The popular meat
raffles will resume on 8th January 2011 when the club re-opens after the Christmas/New year break.
LONG-DELAY RADIO ECHOES: During the geomagnetic storm of 27th November, a brief but intense G2-class event, amateur radio
operator Peter Brogl of Fürth, Germany, experienced a strange phenomenon. Forty-six seconds after he transmitted his call
sign at 7 MHz, he received an echo of his own transmission. "At first, I thought someone was playing tricks on me," says Brogl,
"but I changed frequency, re-keyed my call sign (DK6NP), and got another echo." This went on for more than an hour, enough
time for Brogl to make several recordings. First reported in 1927 by Norwegian civil engineer Jørgen Hals, long-delay radio
echoes are rare and poorly understood. Unusual propagation conditions linked to solar storms is one of many possible explanations.
Radio operators, if you experienced any similar phenomena on Nov. 27th between 1800 UT and 19:30 UT, please report your observations
to Peter Brogl for correlation. That item was submitted by Dennis VK2XDW. Who by the way, wants to thank all those who have
wished him well after his fall from the scaffolding. And to add to his bruises, we were told yesterday that it now been
discovered that Dennis also incurred multiple cracked ribs. No wonder he's been sore.
Next Saturday at the club is Westlakes Christmas Function and the Krazy Golf organised by Geoff VK2GL. It's a free barbecue -
You only need to bring drinks and nibblies (and perhaps a chair). Westlakes Christmas hamper, which is getting bigger by the
day, will be drawn and late donations to the hamper, such as biscuits, nuts, festive drinks, and the like are welcome. Tickets
are $1 and will be on sale. Where else can you donate an item, buy a ticket, and win it back again? That's what Christmas is all
about - the silly season.
Who want's a club cap - just the thing to wear to the Wyong Field Day. The secretary has a limited number for sale at $20. Be
quick, they won't last long.
Now at last, a reminder of coming events:

Saturday 11th December - Westlakes Christmas Function and Krazy Golf starting around 1pm.
Balls and clubs are provided.

Please note that the club will be open on Saturday 18th December. However, as the following
two Saturdays fall on Christmas Day and New Year's Day, we will have a shut-down over those
two weeks and will re-open for business on Saturday 8th January 2011.
