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Sunday, June 27, 2010

WARC News 27 June 2010

Good Morning this is VK2ATZ, the official station of Westlakes Amateur Radio Club
located at Teralba in wooded grounds on the shores of Lake Macquarie.

As most listeners would be aware, the Sunday news from Westlakes did not go to air last week. The reason was of course, it was the postponed Mini Field Day and weren't we lucky with the weather. It was perfect. There was a bumper crowd, and plenty of helpers to set up and pull down tables and covers. The general comment around the grounds was that it was one of the best Mini Field Days yet held.
Special thanks must go to Gloria, the Canteen Manageress, who did most of the food stuff organising. Thanks also to Diane VK2FDNE who kept the barbecue rolling, to Penny the "hat check girl" at the welcome table, and to those ladies who prepared salads, cakes, and slices etc. The auctioneer on the day was Col VK2YP who kept the items selling at a cracker pace. The meat tray raffle winner was Gloria Brown and the lucky Westlakes Badge Prize went to Ken VK2KJ who won 2kg of sausages. Ken got confused in the excitement of winning and left with the meat tray by mistake, leaving the sausages for Gloria to take home.
The usual jellybean guessing competition winner was Ken VK2UCF.At the end of the day, an unknown "good Samaritan" with a truck offered to take all the leftover items and rubbish to a tip at Parkes where he was heading - a good 6 hour drive.
The day was a financial success for the club. After deducting all expenses, we made just over $1800 profit. Last seen, the treasurer was smiling.

The sick list. As advised by Richard, Diane VK2FDNE has been admitted to John Hunter for tests. We all wish her well and a speedy return to the club. Richard also advises that he will demonstrate how to construct a dipole antenna at the club on Tuesday evenings. That's just the thing needed for beginners and Foundation Licence holders.

The results of the Club's CQ Repeater Contest for 2010 have been tabulated by Allan VK2JED. They will be presented at the next monthly meeting on July 10th

Members visiting the club in the last fortnight may have noticed the latest incident of
vandalism. Two holes have been senselessly kicked in the sidewall of our building. What can I say, except that repairs are underway.

The club's Ezybee Net, named after it's founder Eric VK2EZB (now a silent key) has fallen on hard times. It needs a co-ordinator to run the group. It only runs for half an hour at 8am on a Saturday on repeater 146.775 MHz. The purpose of the net is to inform listeners of happenings at Westlakes that afternoon. Anyone interested in running the net or joining a roster, please advise the secretary. It would be sad to see the Ezybee Net fold.

A good news story for a change. Frank VK2WH brought his Yaesu radio to the club yesterday seeking advice on programming the CTSS encoding for 91.5 Hz tone access. He could not seem to decode the instructional manual to set it up (me either Frank). Dave VK2RD took over the task and in 10 minutes (give or take half an hour or so) all was sorted and on-air tests were conducted to reveal success.

The long-awaited Signal Tracer/Injector project is ready to start. Les Smith has all of the components ready and the first run of this class will be next Saturday 3rd July at 2:00pm in the Westlakes activity room. The second run will be two weeks later on Saturday 14th. If you want to be part of this project be at the activity room ready to go at 2pm.

The repeater VK2RTZ on 146.775 MHz appears to have a problem with output power. Reports from Central Coast stations and some locals in iffy mobile locations are having difficulty hearing the output. Peter VK2ZTV is aware of the problem and is investigating the likelihood of a faulty PA board. As the Doctor said to the midget, you will have to remain a little patient.

The July edition of Westlakes Magazine is ready to go and should appear in letterboxes by 1st July. The email version for members who receive the publication via the Internet will appear in "inboxes" at the same time.

The meat tray raffle. A new ticket seller appeared on the scene yesterday in the form of Keith VK2PKT - he did well too. After all the confusion of last week's missing tray, the draw yesterday was clear cut the winner being Alex VK2ZM. I am unaware who drew his ticket. Should it have been VK2KJ or Gloria? They wouldn't let VK2KJ near the barrel...surely?

Well that' all the local news I have this week.

Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street and is open on Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon until everyone goes home. Also, on a Tuesday evening from around 6pm again until everyone goes home. Although a Radio Club, we are on the telephone. Try dialling 049 581588. An answering service operates after hours. Visitors are always welcome we have plenty of tea, coffee, and long-life milk.

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