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Sunday, September 26, 2010


Good Morning this is VK2ATZ, the official station of Westlakes Amateur Radio Clublocated at Teralaba, Lake Macquarie. There should be a HF simulcast on 3.565 MHz this morning courtesy of Warren VK2UWP which will be repeated at 7 pm this evening. Westlakes local news is read each Sunday on this repeater, VK2RTZ, at 9am local. Following at 9.30 am is a relay of the Australia-wide amateur radio news from the WIA.

The first item today is information about next Saturday's activities at Westlakes. Although next Saturday will be the first in the month of October, there will be no monthly meeting. The reason being that it is a long weekend and numbers will be down. The next monthly meeting will be on Saturday 6th November. -

However, what will be on next Saturday is the assembly and enveloping of the October edition of Westlakes Magazine in the club library. That gets underway at about 1.30. Anyone who can helpwill be appreciated.

The next item will be heard on the WIA news today. Police from the Fraud and Corporate Crime Group are issuing a warning to the public following a dramatic increase in reports of a fake Microsoft scam currently targeting Queensland victims. The scam involves a victim receiving a phone call from a person purporting to represent well known computer company (most commonly Microsoft or a company contracted by Microsoft) telling the person they have a problem with their computer. The caller outlines the victim's computer is infected with a virus that has been brought to the company's attention - often via the Microsoft fault reporting process. The caller then offers to assist the victim and will "fix the problem" by directing them to a website where the caller remotely takes over the victim's computer. The representative then shows the victim the "issues" with their computer and suggests they pay a fee to have the problem fixed or need to purchase software to prevent this from happening in the future. "This is all just a scam. Microsoft has confirmed they are not cold-calling members of the community regarding viruses, computer problems or any other issue.

Quite simply, these offenders are just looking to trick you into giving them money," Detective Superintendent Brian Hay of the Queensland Crime Operations Command's Fraud and Corporate Crime Group said. "Giving someone you don't know remote access to your computer is basically the same as handing your credit card details over to them. With this access, an offender can easily search your computer for banking or personal details or quite easily load Malware or Trojan software onto your computer. You may as well give them the key to your front door while you're there.

Now listen carefully. Last Friday Greg VK2CW received a telephone call from a female with an Asian accent. She said, "this is Microsoft, you have a problem with your computer. Greg told her to go away, and hung up. He can certainly vouch for the accuracy of this Police warning.

Quite a large turnout of members and visitors to the club yesterday. Three new intending members applied for membership and 2 other visitors were made welcome as well. Thank you for becoming part of the Westlakes Family.

The new stove was installed yesterday morning and is working well. Many thanks to Keith VK2BKF and Barry VK2BZ for the installation work. Gloria is more than pleased. Speaking of Gloria, she was kept busy in the Canteen all afternoon with tasty treats being served to all. I think that is what encouraged the new members to join up!

All the carpeted areas of the club received a good vacuum by Dave VK2RD to clean up all the grass carried in over the wet weather of the past few months. Looks good too. This was started by having to clean up the mess in the Canteen left by the tradesman installers. Nudge Nudge!

The mower was temporarily put back into service until the cutting deck finally collapsed. Looks like a trip to the repair centre is coming up. While on the mowing, Ken VK2UCF has joined the team that gets together to keep the grounds tidy. Anyone else wishing to lend a hand are most welcome. See Barry VK2BZ or Barrie VK2BXD to be put on the list.

Col VK2YP was again playing with antennas in the car park area. He has developed some more modifications to the Squid pole system. Keep at it Col and thanks for the effort.

Yesterday's meat tray went to a deserving first time winner. New member Jim, VK2JIM drew the ticket of Richard VK2CRA who was most pleased with the result. He made sure he did not forget to take it home and sat next to the fridge so no one else could grab it.

Diane VK2FDNE has started work on organizing this years Christmas party set down for the 11th of December. If you would like to see some particular treat, activity or just to help out for the day, please contact Diane.

Last weeks Westlakes Cup attracted at least 17 participants. Many thanks to Paul VK2HV who picked up the running of the event for the night until he was harassed by a Lid making contacts difficult. Dave VK2RD then took over the Club Call to finish the 1 hour contest. The call in afterwards gave some close results. These are only preliminary at this time until all logs are received and scrutinized. Remember that all logs must be in by the 29th of October. Send to or to Allan

The Amateur spirit lives on with a team of volunteers arriving yesterday at the QTH of Bill VK2XTBill, who lives at Coal Point, needed some repairs to his 4 element Quad, but at almost 97 years old was beyond him. Enter the makeover team... Allan VK2FLTP, Lloyd VK2FLYD and Richard VK2FRKO who promptly set to work and had the job done in no time. They were then treated to a tour of Bill's shack and other storage areas on the site. Notice they are all F Calls? Many thanks Gentlemen, a big pat on the back to you all.

Well that's all the news we have this week.

Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street an is open on Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon until everyone goes home. Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6pm again until everyone goes home. Although a Radio Club, we are on the telephone. Try dialling (02) 49 581588. An answering service operates after hours. Visitors are alway welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, and long-life milk. Plus, there are biscuits too.

Dave VK2RD

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