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Saturday, October 16, 2010


Good Morning this is VK2ATZ, the official station of Westlakes Amateur Radio Club
located at Teralba, Lake Macquarie. Your reader of this morning's local news is
Brian VK2FG. There should be a HF simulcast on 3.565 MHz this morning courtesy of
Warren VK2UWP which will be repeated at 7 pm this evening. Westlakes local news is read
each Sunday on this repeater, VK2RTZ, at 9am local. Following at 9.30am is a relay of the
Australia-wide amateur radio news from the WIA.
Hasn't it been cold lately? A good example of the current cold snap comes from Dennis VK2XDW.
Some of you may know that Dennis is a keen bowler - so keen that he travelled to Lithgow yesterday
for a competition bowls match. Unfortunately, the match had to postponed because the players could
not see the "jack". The reason was that the bowling green was covered in snow. Now that's cold!
Jamboree On The Air 2010, is "on the air" right now. If you hear a JOTA station calling CQ today, give
it a call. A warm cherio would be welcome. Any scout groups that were camping out last night will need
all the warming-up they can get
NOT THE AIR BAND! From the WIA National News comes the next item.
Following the arrest and comprehensive prosecution of a plane spotter in South Africa,
local aviation enthusiasts have been warned that they will need to write an exam and qualify as a
radio amateur to legally possess popular air band receivers. Until now, nobody has been prosecuted
for this offence. Port Elizabeth Amateur Radio Society chairman Ashley Goosen has warned local aviation
enthusiasts that they need to be licensed to possess an air band receiver legally.
Plane spotter Julian Swift was arrested earlier this year under the South African Telecommunication Act
for the illegal possession of an air band receiver and for listening in on several radio frequencies.
They are not just determined to throw the book at the spotter, they are still writing a telephone directory
and War and Peace to throw at him, just last week, the Prosecution amended the charge sheet to include every
frequency on his receiver!
The club's ride-on mower will be back from repairs next Saturday and those who were at the club yesterday
will have noticed the grass "going gangbusters". The mowing team will make an attempt to cut at least some
of the area during the afternoon. Also next Saturday 23 October, a skip will arrive so we can finally get
rid of the accumulated rubbish in the container and library. So it's a working bee. We need mowing men and
skip fillers. When? Next Saturday afternoon.

As mentioned last week, and will be mentioned for weeks to come is a reminder of this year's Christmas party.
Diane VK2FDNE has started work on organizing things. A list has gone up in the common room for those to add
their names and number who will attend. The cost is the best part - A Free barbecue with all food and salads
provided. Bring your own drinks. It's shaping up to be a fun afternoon. Geoff VK2GL is organising a game of
"Krazy Golf". Geoff was seen in the club grounds yesterday pacing out the layout for the 9-hole course.
When is the Christmas Party and "Krazy Golf"? On Saturday 11th December.
This item comes from the ARRL. An amateur radio operator from San Jacinto, California, has admitted making a
series of broadcasts threatening the lives of local police officers and fire department personnel.
Irene Levy, 29, pleaded guilty to seven charges. On October 8th, a local judge sentenced her to three years
probation and gave her credit for the time she spent in jail since her arrest. She was also ordered to undergo
psychiatric care. Her radio transmissions, which included bomb threats, were monitored on frequencies used
by police and the County Fire Department. She was arrested at her mobile home where an assortment of radio
equipment and her licence were seized.
The club's Kenwood TS690S radio is back from repair after it failed at the recent Lighthouse weekend. The fix
was done by RF REPAIRS on the Central Coast. Thanks go to Allan VK2JED for the delivery and the return of
the set.
New blood has surfaced in the meat tray raffle yesterday. It was a first-time win for Allan VK2PNC who had
the winning ticket. There was a second prize too - a bag of oranges donated by Ken VK2KJ. The winner of the
oranges was Col VK2YP and that was a neat trick because he wasn't there. A good Samaritan must have bought
him a ticket.
It's getting bigger than Ben Hur! Would you believe some VK radio clubs are advertising the 2011 International
Lighthouse Weekend. WE can do that too. Westlakes have booked Norah Head Lighthouse once again and we are on
Internet site for AU0024 (Norah Head) as VK2ATZ for 2011.

Finally, a reminder of comming events:

Saturday 23 October - a working bee to fill the garbage skip and lawn mowing
Friday 29 October - VK100WIA operation from Paul VK2HV at his QTH at Maitland
Saturday and Sunday 30 and 31 October - VK100 operation with overnight sleep over at Westlakes
Saturday 6 November - Monthly Members' Meeting
Sunday 14 November - Westlakes Major Field Day
Saturday 11 December - Westlakes christmas Show plus "Krazy Golf"

Well that's all the news we have this week. This is VK2ATZ. Is there anyone with late news items?

OK, now for callbacks. First portable and/or mobiles please

Second any base stations to acknowlege they were listening

Third are there any comments on today's broadcast


Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street an is open on
Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon until everyone goes home. Also on a Tuesday evening
from around 6pm again until everyone goes home. Although a Radio Club, we are on the telephone.
Try dialling (02) 49 581588. An answering service operates after hours. Visitors are alway welcome
at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, and long-life milk. Plus, there are biscuits too.

Thank you for listening. This is Brian closing as VK2ATZ and reverting to VK2FG. Good morning all.

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