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Monday, January 17, 2011


There are only five left - those 20 watt Solar Panels. The price is $85 picked up from the club. As well, there is a
small number of charge controllers - 5 amp at $39, 10 amp at $55, and 20 amp at $85.Contact Aly VK2AFZ in the store for
more details.The question has been asked if Westlakes can get larger ones. The answer is, we don't know - it's still a
mystery where this lot came from.

Visitors to the club yesterday were able to inspect the new concrete work. The job was completed last Friday and barrier
erected to prevent vehicle access on the drive. A bit of barrow and spade work was needed to spead fill to smooth the exit
approach and that's the end of a good job. A close inspecion could not detect any "tags" of the locals, or call signs of
members, scratched in the work before it hardened. Wonders never cease.

More strange sounds were heard coming from the radio room at Westlakes yesterday. Morse code again. Derek VK2MLA was on his
own paddle - this time a vibroplex iambic model.He was given a small test by Greg VK2CW and passed easily. At 20 words a minute
Derek even read puntuation, full stops, commas, question marks, dollar signs, pound signs - the lot. You don't come across
pound signs in Morse very often these days.

They just keep getting younger - newcomers to amateur radio, that is. Seven year old Noah Reginald in Arkansas,found a website
with a practice test that contained 396 possible questions and he decided to sit the official exam and obtain an amateur radio
licence.He passed and is beleived to be the world's youngest amateur. When asked what she thought of her son's acheivement,
his mother, Hillary Reginald said, "He has always been advanced for his age." Well he is not that smart. Although he was
seven when he passed the test, Noah has had a birthday so he will be eight when he first comes on air.

Did you know the WIA has a new membership brochure? Produced for the WIA by Roger Harrison VK2ZRH and Robert Broomhead VK3DN
with Illustrations by Ivan Smith, the new DL size brochure carefully sets out the many valuable benefits of WIA membership
in an easy to read, easy to understand format. The brochure is intended for those who are yet to become a WIA member, or members
who are considering renewal. The full colour brochure with it's eye catching cover is ideal for display and distribution at
hamfests, field days etc. Easily obtainable clear plastic DL brochure stands are perfect for displaying the new membership
brochure, whilst it's small size format makes it ideal for keeping a copy in the car glovebox or door pocket along side the
Calling CQ brochure. Copies of the brochure can be easily obtained from the WIA National office, simply send an email to

Another meat tray raffle has been and gone and yesterday's winner was Frank VK2FJW. It was a good trick because he was not in
attendance. But he had a nice surprise when the tray was personally delivered to his door. What service! (luckily he lives in Teralba.)

As reported by the WIA, it seems the Australian Naval Amateur Radio Society (A.N.A.R.S.) is no more. John Garvey VK5OJ who was
President of the Society said, " How sad it has been to see the demise of the A.N.A.R.S. Perhaps one day it will rise again in
a better shape with more enthusiasm for the hobby." Westlakes member, and long time enthusiast of the society is Kevin VK2CE who
added, " It is very sad indeed to see the society cross the bar. I always believed it had the potential to become quite a significant
group in the ham radio world but unfortunately this was not to be."

The countdown is on for the 2011 Wyong Field Day. From today it is only five weeks to go. Westakes will be taking the VK2 Bureau
cards and club stand to Wyong which will be located in its usual spot.

Gloria Brown notched up five years-and-a-day as manageress of the canteen yesterday and no one remembered to give her a cake.
Shame on us.

The last item this week is a bad luck story. Barry VK2BZ headed for Gladstone, Queensland a few weeks ago. It was just before the
rain and floods arrived. Bad timing indeed. Barry has sent a photo of his experience and text to go with it which will appear in
a coming Westlakes Magazine article. All we can say at the moment is that he will be returning in a different 4-wheel drive vehicle
to the one he left in.

Well that's all the news I have this week.

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