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Saturday, March 5, 2011


Good Morning and wecome to another local news broadcast for 2011. This is VK2ATZ, The official callsign of
Westlakes Amateur Radio Club located at Teralba, Lake Macquarie. Your reader this morning is Leonie VK2FHRK. There is a fair chance
that an HF simulcast being transmitted today on 3.565 MHz and if you can hear it,the relay by courtesy of Warren VK2UWP. Callbacks
follow at the conclusion of this news and it's all repeated again at 7 pm this evening when the reader will be Brian VK2FG.
Westlakes local news can be heard each Sunday on this repeater, VK2RTZ, at 9am local. Following at 9.30am is a relay of the
Australia-wide amateur radio news from VK1WIA.
And speaking of the WIA, it has just been announced that the Secretary, Geoff Atkinson VK3TL, has resigned.Geoff Atkinson has been
WIA secretary since February 2008 and only accepted the position on a temporay basis following the death of the previous incumbent.
The new Secretary is Sarah Thompson VK3AUD, recently retired from Telstra. In 1977 sarah spent a year with the Antarctic Division
as a Radio Officer at Macquarie Island. She is currently Secretary of the Moorabbin and District Radio Club, and among her many
interests she is a certified Marriage Celebrant, a member of the RSL, holds a current St Johns Senior First Aid certificate and,
wait for it, holds a Black Belt in Taekwondo. Obviously Sarah VK3AUD is obviously a person not to argue with.
Westlakes March Magazines are in the mail after the assembly and post out working bee in the club library yesterday. The electric version
in colour, should also be on its way via the mysteries of the Internet.
Any member chasing a Westlakes club badge, Please listen carefully. There are now new arrangements - quicker and slicker, staight from
the manufacturer to you. If you want a club badge, write to RT Signs, PO Box 119, Stockton 2295. Ask for a blue and white Westlakes ARC
badge. Give you callsign and your first name that you wish to be on the badge plus your postal address.Include $10.30 and your new badge
will appear in your letter box in a few days. It is that easy. The $10.30 charge covers the badge, GST and postage back to you. A message
detailing this information has been placed on the noticeboard in the club's common room.
It's getter close - Jeff's Walk Number Two. Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ, with the Gympie Radio Club supporting, is getting set to walk across
Australia from Cape Byron to Steep Point operating his FT817. He steps off 24th April and is expected to last 162 days. The crossing
is approximately 5,000 kms. Geoff will transmit on 7045Khz each evening at 1730 AEST. 20m and 80m will also be used on some sections.
Every year at the Wyong and at Westlakes Field Days there is a lucky draw for those members who front at the club's desk wearing a
blue and white Westlakes club badge. This bit of fun has been running for over 10 years and there were 24 badges registered last Sunday
at Wyong. The winner was David VK2UDW who will receive his prize when he next attends the club.
The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) has announced that amateurs assisting in communications in the aftermath
of the 6.3 earthquake in Christchurch are using 2 metres only. No HF frequencies are being used. Amateurs and shortwave listeners
around the world have been contacting the NZART enquiring what HF frequencies are being used.
>From the ARRL comes the unfortunate news that four Americans including three amateur radio operators who were being held hostage on
their yacht by pirates off the coast of Oman have been killed. Scott Adam, K9ESO and his wife Jean, KF6RVB, along Bob Riggle, KE7IIV
and Phylis Macay were on board the vessel "Quest" when Somali pirates boarded their vessel last week.
Statistics from Wyong. It eas a busy day the combined VK2QSL/Westlakes stand at the Field Day last Sunday. 147 amateurs picked up
approximately 4,000 QSL cards while 18 Westlakes members paid their 2011/12 fees.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has been involved in trials of 3D TV and will continue to authorise further 3D tests
using unassigned digital television channels in a limited number of locations until the end of 2011. ACMA considers it important that
when purchasing 3D TV receivers, consumers understand the current generation of 3D receivers might be not be compatible with future
transmission methods.
The weekly meat tray raffle. As there was no club broadcast last Sunday, there are two results to announce. A week ago, the winner was
Ted VK2UI and it was Ted who drew yesterday's winner who was Barry VK2BZ.

Solar panels. There are only four 20 watt solar panels left in the Westlakes store. The cost is $85 each and there will be no more -
these are the last.
And finally, next Saturday 12th March is the date set aside for the March Monthly meeting. It gets underway in the club library at
1.30 pm. A committee meeting will be held at 11.30 pm. From April, the monthly meetings will return to the usual 1st Saturday of
the month.

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