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Saturday, April 30, 2011



The club was open for business yesterday after the Easter break and the rain managed to hold off. Gloria was on hand in the canteen to feed the many members that were there.

Now while talking about Gloria, it was time to meat tray to be won and Ted VK2UI was there to pick out of the barrell a winner. After 3 attempts a ticket
was selected. The winning ticket was Gloria. You may be wondering how come there were 3 draws? Ted mananged to pick two tickets out twice instead of one ticket. Congratulations Gloria.

A second prize was then bought forward, freshly cooked buns from the bakery. Two winners were selected from the barrel, 1st packet of buns went to VK2FCWC and the second pack went to Vk2 ZVF. Congratulations.

Foundation Licence Course. A Foundation Licence course will be held at the club on the weekend of the 14 and 15th May commencing at 0845. On Saturday the day will finish about 1600 and on Sunday around 1400 or when examinations are marked. However, this course is full so for any budding amateur operators another course will be organised in due course. Anyone wishing to attend the next course or know of anyone wishing to do there Foundation licence please contact Michael VK2OI or contact the club and will will pass on your details.

The store was open for business with many specials on offer. Listen here next week for up and coming bargains.



International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur radio event held annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi on the 25th April 1874.
The IMD event is not a contest: it is an opportunity for amateurs around the world to make point-to-point contact with historic Marconi sites and gain an attractive Award for achieving the requisite number of Marconi stations worked. Did anyone take part in this?

Now for something very interesting.

Fighting fire.. with electricity

Harvard researchers are looking to replace the fireman's hose with a hand-held wand that shoots beams of electricity.

The idea that electricity can control a fire first came about 200 years ago. It was observed that electricity could twist, bend and even kill a flame.

Scientists believe electric currents make particles of soot within a flame move, which produces a flow of gas that weakens the flame and can cause it to die out. But in previous studies, chemists used direct current instead of
alternating current to generate electric fields.

Now Harvard researchers have created an electric wand that puts these ideas to the test, but utilizes AC voltage instead.

The wand was connected to a 600-watt power source, and when shot at flames as high as 18 inches tall, the electric field produced a flow of charged particles that put the fire out completely, and almost instantly.

While the research is still in its early stages, it's noted that this technology has already shown greater benefit over water because it causes less damage to people's property.
In addition, the wand allows fire-fighters to work from safer distances, and can even manipulate the flame to bend so
they can enter burning buildings.

Danny’s Digital Packet

UK Radio Amateur Danny Knaggs, 2E0DPK, has developed a new free, open source protocol called 'DDP' that provides a modern alternative to the existing packet radio protocol.

DDP interfaces with fldigi to provide the backend. Packets are sent and received in plain text so they can be seen by eye (on the waterfall, console, etc) and also for ease of use and implementation.

Article on DDP by Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU

You can download Danny's Digital Packet from

Danny's Digital Voice


Do you have a news item that you would like read out on a broadcast? Contact Richard VK2FRKO on email address
or give the item to Richard at the club.

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