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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Presidents report 2010/2011

Welcome to the AGM for 2011. Thank you for taking the time to attend this most important meeting of the year.
We are here to on one hand elect your committee and executive for the coming 12 month and on the other to receive reports on the financial viability of your club going forward.
I feel it is incumbent on ALL members to make themselves aware of what is going on around and within this great club.
Westlakes remains one of the largest clubs in the land. Westlakes has had enormous membership numbers for many years now and continues to go from strength to strength.
This is in no small way due to several hard working people within and on the periphery of your current committee.
The first one due a mention is Greg Smith, VK2CW who in the role as Treasurer has shown exemplary dedication to the role. Greg stepped into the breach after long time Treasurer Les Payne stood aside and has performed as I said in an exemplary fashion. The books have never looked better and that in itself is no mean feat.
Thank you Greg.
Jenny, XYL of Dave VK2RD was instrumental in the Club being awarded a grant from the government for some much needed equipment. Westlakes was awarded a sum of $5000 for this equipment. With this money the Club has purchased a projector for presentations, Kitchen whitegoods, Photocopier, concrete for covered area out the back of the clubhouse and several other projects.
Thank you Diane for the work you put in there.
Barry VK2BXD was thrown in the deep end when he took on the role of Secretary and has performed admirably in that endeavour.
Thank you Barry,
As always, Gloria continues to run the canteen in her own way. The meals have never been cheaper and talk about being sumptuous. There is however an ongoing problem with the canteen or more specifically the drinks fridge. Theft seems to be an issue. For those taking drinks and ice creams without paying, STOP IT, you are only robbing your mates. Or maybe they aren’t your mates after all. Gloria has the money down to the cent that goes missing in drinks etc. This has led to a decision by your committee to put padlocks on the fridge so that self service will be a thing of the past. This was a step the committee did not want to take but with up to $15 worth of stuff missing out of the fridge of a weekend, it has gone too far.
There are others with too many attributes to list here. If I did we would still be here in a weeks’ time and I am sure you don’t want that. So I will suffice by saying thank you to all those that have been instrumental in the successful running of Westlakes Amateur Radio Club over the past year.
I wish to apologise for not being in attendance at the club for extended periods of time. As most of you know I have started a business of my own and am still employed full time. As you no doubt understand, time is of an essence for me. I attend when I can. I have faith in the committee to be able to do the job without my full time input and they have proven me correct this year.
There is however a pressing matter. I want you all to have a look around the meeting at your committee members. The majority of them are getting on in age and have been involved with the committee for many years. I myself have had almost 10 years as President over a couple of stints. The point I am trying to make here is that we are desperately in need of new blood on the committee. I don’t mean we need to go out and recruit a heap of young people, although that in itself is not a bad plan, I mean you the member need to stand up and have more of a say in the running of this great club. There are an inordinate number of members who frequent the club who do nothing in return for the benefits this club offers them. It is ok to just want to show up and have a chat over a cuppa and get a cheap feed but you cannot rely on the current committee members being around for ever. So I implore you to have a think about ways you can help out. Get yourself on the committee and have a go at shaping the future of the club because without new committee members surely die this club will (thanks to Yoda).
We have a radio shack comparable to any other in clubs in Australia and it sits idle. Let’s get it up and active. I know the antennae have been out of action due to some tom foolery that went on a while back but we can’t let that stop us altogether. Let’s get involved in some contests; you don’t have to be here all weekend or all night for that matter. A couple of hours each would make any contest a success.
Ok... enough of my whinging, the club has had a fantastic year and I whole heartedly wish that it continues in that fashion.
Thank you to all the members that have given me the opportunity to lead Westlakes Amateur Radio Club.
Geoff Clark VK2EO

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