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Saturday, September 10, 2011


A new load of 12 volt batteries have arrived at the club and are now available from the store. There are about 30 in total. The cost is $15 each.
These are quality batteries ranging up to 55 amp/hour capacity. They will be on sale at the field day next Sunday and will not last long.
Check them out next Saturday and take your pick.
While on batteries, the club still welcomes old car and motorcycle batteries. Last Tuesday, a trailer load was taken to the scrap metal dealers at Teralba.
The sale resulted in $270 for the club. So please keep those old batteries coming.

All the action was outside yesterday including selling of the meat tray tickets. Greg VK2CW left all the tickets and and ticket tumbler in the hands of Mal VK2VON. Mal sold a few extra tickets. The clock went ding and it was time to for last weeks winner Greg to reach in the ticket tumbler and grab a ticket. On the ticket read Sorry Greg,Michael and Steve the winner is DIANE VK2FDNE. Yippee Diane said About time.

Next Sunday will be the our field day, Rain, hail or shine. Should it rain Lee Andrews will be in the Common room inside the club and the auction table will at the bottom end of the awning.
We will need all hands available to assist with the setting up so can you be at the club by 7 am please. We will also need your help at the end of the day to help pack up.

Don't forget about the second offer to Westlakes club members. It is a FT7900 2m/70cm dual band transceiver and comes with full warranty.
When you get your club magazine and some of you will get them separately in the mail. The book of 10 tickets at $2 a ticket.You can buy 10 or one or none - the choice is yours.
The entire proceeds of this raffle help fund the operations of your club. The draw will take place at the Westlakes Field day on Sunday 18th September 2011 at 12 noon.

News from Southgate Amateur Radio.

Special Rugby World Cup ham radio callsigns

Look for some New Zealand amateur radio operators to replace their ZL prefix with a ZM prefix throughout September and October, in celebration of the Rugby World Cup
(September 9th-October 23rd). Additional special event stations will be and are already on air.
Look for ZL4RUGBY (QSL Manager/Operator Paul/ZL4PW) to be on the air through October 31st.
Also, look for ZL6RWC, which is operated by various members and friends of the Papakura Radio Club, to be on the through October 31st.
QSL ZL6RWC via ZL1VK, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW. Check for more details about both stations.

STRONG SOLAR ACTIVITY: On Sept. 6th, active sunspot 1283 produced two major eruptions including an impulsive X2-class solar flare.
The blasts hurled a pair of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) toward Earth, which could spark geomagnetic activity when they arrive on Sept. 8-10. High-latitude
sky watchers should be alert for auroras in the nights ahead. Check for images and updates.

Pacific DXpedition tour.

Bill, VK4FW, co-leader of the upcoming DXpedition to Fiji (3D2) and Nauru (C2), reports that Eric, VK4NEF, has now committed to join the DXpedition.
The operators now are Jay K4ZLE, Art NJ7N, Tim NL8F, Eddie VK4AN, Eric VK4NEF, Bill VK4FW and Julian/W5SL.
Bill states (edited), "All is on track for the operation to begin late on October 25th, from Fiji until November 8th, followed by Nauru from November 10th through to December 6th.
"The 'Online QSL Service' is set up at However, it is important that people do not use it before we get back so as not to overload the system causing mailbox failure.
"We would like to thank those who have already supported us and remind all that donations no matter how big or small can be sent via paypal to"

4W6A Timor-Leste DXpedition

This is the sixth and final press release before the 4W6A DXpedition.
The bulk of the equipment, including the linear amplifiers, the Titanex V160E vertical, Hexbeam and other antennas, left Darwin, Australia, on 6 September.
It has all arrived safely in Dili, Timor-Leste, and is now awaiting the arrival of the team next week.
9M6DXX and 9M6XRO leave Malaysia on 12 September for a transit stop in Bali, from where they plan to be active 'holiday style' as YB9/G4JVG and YB9/GM3OOK respectively.
Unfortunately, due to a late change of airline timetable, they will not now arrive in Dili before the afternoon of Friday 16 September. The chartered boat taking the team and the equipment to Atauro Island has therefore been rescheduled to later that afternoon. It is likely that only one or two stations will be on the air that day as the team will run out of daylight before all the antennas can be erected. The remainder of the antenna work will commence at first light the following morning (approximately 2115UTC on 16 September) and 4W6A should be fully operational by the morning (UTC) of 17 September. 4W6A will be QRV on all bands 10 to 160 metres, using CW, SSB and RTTY with up to four stations simultaneously. It is hoped that log search will be available, thanks to the Clublog facility (go to, but this is dependent on a reliable Internet connection being available on the island.

Do you have a news item that you would like read out on a broadcast? Contact Richard VK2FRKO on email address
or give the item to Richard at the club.


Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street, TERALBA - and is open on Saturday Afternoons from around 12 noon. Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6pm. To make contact at other times, try dialling (02) 49 581588 where an answering service
operates. Visitors are always welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, long-life milk, and an interesting selection of biscuits.

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