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Sunday, March 16, 2014


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first session of the map reading and how to read a compass course took place at the club yesterday. The classroom was packed with would-be orienteers and there were maps and compasses galore. Congratulations to Geoff VK2GL whose idea it was to conduct this course. It looks like he has a real hit on his hands. Week two is on next Saturday. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The meat tray. In the the library the ticket tumbler went spinning and last week's winner Lloyd VK2XAA reached in and pulled out the ticket of Nigel VK2FNT, Who by the way, was seen wearing a brand new Westlakes badge. Congratulations Nigel. Enjoy the meat tray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visitors to the club yesterday would have noticed the freshly mowed grounds. After the rain two weeks ago, the grass got a late-summer spurt-on and our junior lawn mowing contractor got a spurt-on too. He is just back, recovering from a broken leg, much to the relief of our in-house geriatric lawn mowing team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is only two weeks left to register your intention to attend The clubs 50th Anniversary Luncheon which will be held at the Cardiff RSL club. The date of this luncheon is Sunday April 6th. It will be held at the Cardiff RSL at 1100 for an all you can eat smorgasbord, including seafood. The cost should be $27.50 person, but Westlakes is subsidising the cost. That means it only costs $25 pay-on-the-day. Bookings are essential so you must have lodged your name with Greg VK2CW or Diane VK2FDNE by Saturday 29th March. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is another reminder. VI2ATZ50 will be aired during April at various times from the club shack and also in a portable capacity by allocated club members to give the most exposure to the Amateur population. There is free Award and to qualify, the requirements are: 1) 5 contacts with VI2ATZ50 2) 3 contacts with VI2ATZ50 and 3 club members 3) 10 contacts with WARC members A station could easily qualify on one of our morning club nets... eg: 10 members on air or VI2ATZ50 controlling a net and required members etc... VI2ATZ50 could visit another club’s net and allow points toward the award. As well as the Award, a Special Event QSL Card will forwarded to all stations who make a contact with VI2ATZ50. All operators using the special call MUST keep an accurate log of all contacts so they can be entered in a Master log for award scoring. Dave VK2RD is putting together a roster of club members either to work the clubs special callsign either from home or from their QTH. It is very important that this callsign gets out on the airways for as many hours as we can per day as this will be a callsigh EVERYONE will be chasing. Once again the club needs radio operators for this event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next Foundation Course and round of Assessments will commence on Saturday 26 April at 1.30 pm in the Westlakes Classroom. The tutor will be Geoff VK2GL who with Steve VK2LW, will carry out the Assessment.There are already five candidates who have nominated and that is the maximum that can be handled in this group, however there are always cancellations or deferments. If you wish to be added to a reserve list please advise Geoff VK2GL at the club any Saturday. The first step of course is to purchase a Foundation Manual for $25. They are in stock at the Westlakes Store. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you wondering why there is extra activity on the bands this weekend? Yes it's the Annual John Moyle Field Day Contest which commenced at 0100 UTC yesterday and finishes at 0059 UTC today. There is still a few hours to go, so take pity on those hardy souls who have been up all night calling CQ and give out a point or two. Richard VK2FRKO has been leading a small team from the Port Stephens Club and they are located at Old Sydney Town using the call sign VK2AOJ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that's all the news I have this week. Do you have a news item that you would like read out on a broadcast? Contact Richard VK2FRKO on email address or give the item to Richard at the club. Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street, TERALBA - and is open on Saturday from around 11:00 am. Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6:00 pm. To make contact at other times, try dialling (02) 49 581588 where an answering service operates. Visitors are alway welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, long-life milk, a good Canteen and an interesting, but diminishing, selection of biscuits.

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